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Generation 4 Hope

See a Mouth- Feed it!  See a need- Meet it!  See a Soul- Lead it!

 Generation 4 Hope is takes helping hands and loving hearts to needy people under the direction of Bishop Robert and Dawn Hilburn. We go to the people to minister with clothes, food, toys, and show then the love of Jesus. With love and dedication, we have organized and overseen our missions over 32 years.

Our team is made up of hard working children of God, with hearts like Jesus. The mission work is year round; it does not take holidays or vacations and is always needed everywhere. 


 There is always room for more workers, so if God leads your heart that way , please contact us. The work is not easy but the results of our labor is seen in the faces of a little boy with his feet red from cold, getting a new, much needed pair of socks and shoes, or a little girl getting a new pink winter coat with gloves and scarf! This is the reward of  your hard work, a hug. the look of happiness and tears of joy, that someone cares enough to bring the things they so desperately needed. 


 THANK YOU for your consideration in supporting this project as well as the ministry of Covenant Music.  Please search your heart and give to our ministries  by clicking here

  "donate button."

 There is so much need. 

Finances, clothes, shoes, socks, toys, candy, food, toiletries, notebooks, paper, pencils and cases, binders, folders and marker, whew.. just a few of the needs. 


 It is a wonderful uplifting feeling to know at the end of the day, YOU have made a little bit of hope shine through the darkness and the light of Jesus can grow bigger until it is seen by others, who will also help spread his love , because He just keeps on giving and giving. 




G4H fun time photos 


Yearly Events

  • Spring Project -Children's Egg Hunt

  • Summer Project- Rolling Roads Riding Therapy for Special Needs Children

  • Jail Lock up - Major fund raiser / People set bail and get sponsor to help raise their bail

  • G4H Homecoming- 

  • Winter Warm up Project- a school is selected and we sponsor the kids with new coats, shoes, socks, scarfs, hats,

        gloves and a toy. 

  • Dinner and Christmas Concert

  • Hometown Christmas Event - our year end big event, where all families receive needed items including Baby  items, blankets and pillows, household items such as lamps, pots, pans and bed linens. Clothes, shoes, socks, dresses and pants.  Each family receives a bag billed with paper products, such as toilet paper, paper towels, washing powders, dish washing detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and personal items. 

     There are toys of all types, for all ages as well as a stocking for each child. And Santa shows up to add his fun to            the event.   Many tricycles, big wheels, scooters, and bicycles are given away. 


     There is also a large food box provided for each family,

     including a Christmas dinner meal. 



  Covenant Music Ministry 

  1648 Plantation Circle Asheboro, NC 27205

  Manager Tony Deaton  336.460.0514   

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